it's time for me to tell you how obsessed i am towards you.
So, it's the end of o levels. So what! i don't know what to do after this. pfft. But wait! Lets celebrate! To all the juniors of east spring secondary school, do miss me yeah! hahaha.
Shahmil, Alif, Hazir, Razif, Farhan, Eszuan, Khairul and me had gone to celebrate at blok 497. The celebration= soccer lah seh.
blooper/s: Hazir tripped after doing his dunno what trick.
:Alif did some fake shots unintentionally.
: Razif was mad at this 4e guy.
All the 4e malay guys were also there to join in our celebration. They went to **** their uniforms. tsk3. Unmature eh.
at Maghrib, proceeded to leisure park and have another soccer game. And that is the time where i got shot at my tooot, and now i can't walk properly. Damn that Fuad!
what a long post!!!! woah seh liao!!!
byebye folks!