Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

do you i think i can?
Serious man, i have no life lah seh!!!! It seems that i go out everyday without fail!
Serious man, i have no life lah seh!!!! It seems that i go out everyday without fail!
Oh ya, I've got a job which starts on 1 dec and ends at 25 dec. :().
Paranormal activity is BOOOOORING!!!! but SERIOUS, scary oi! hehe.
Good luck to Hazir and Khairul! Shafiq and Farhan will stalk you both!
I lose to Farhan and Khairul to multiple games of 'dam'. DAMN!
o klah BYEBYE Sick people!
Labels: should i mould you into ____?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009

lets dig things out.
nov 13,
All i could recall is that Farhan treated me to prata and a cup tea. woah seh liao!!! Sodap oi!! OH!!! I went to friday prayers!!! after a 2 week break. haha!
Still on the search for vacant jobs to fill in my boredom. I can tell, life after o level do suck. I've been watching naruto since the end of the last paper. No life eh. But life must still go on lah eh. Hazir now is working at his father's meathouse. It has been 3 days since i saw him. Padan muke kau zir! HAHA. Tomorrow, some of us will be heading to Razif nye uncle peh house to collect the forms to apply for a job at the Singapore post. So wish me luck yeah people!.
to Eszuan: aku make sure aku mandi lah seh!!!! CONFIRM 100% dpt kerje. heheh
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

it's time for me to tell you how obsessed i am towards you.
So, it's the end of o levels. So what! i don't know what to do after this. pfft. But wait! Lets celebrate! To all the juniors of east spring secondary school, do miss me yeah! hahaha.
Shahmil, Alif, Hazir, Razif, Farhan, Eszuan, Khairul and me had gone to celebrate at blok 497. The celebration= soccer lah seh.
blooper/s: Hazir tripped after doing his dunno what trick.
:Alif did some fake shots unintentionally.
: Razif was mad at this 4e guy.
All the 4e malay guys were also there to join in our celebration. They went to **** their uniforms. tsk3. Unmature eh.
at Maghrib, proceeded to leisure park and have another soccer game. And that is the time where i got shot at my tooot, and now i can't walk properly. Damn that Fuad!
what a long post!!!! woah seh liao!!!
byebye folks!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

don ever use this formula in your life
I've changed my blog song. So enjoy yeah. Anyway, to Mr Razif, please be patient ye. To Mr Farhan, get well soon nigga! To Mr Hazir, jangan merajok lah gile! To Mr Khairul Anwar, congratulations on your new phone.
Geog paper today was tougher that what i had expected. I will seriously flunk my combined humans paper. hehe! Sorry com humans teachers.
I think i should know how to cope well with life after o level's.
so yeah!
Monday, November 2, 2009

hello hello hello hello!
ok im back!
i have 5 more papers to go and i will be a free man!!!! 5 years worth of education eh. fuuuh. finally its coming to an end. an epic ending. jeng jeng jeng. i hope that the rest of the papers that i will be taking will go on smoothly.
Anw my dear friend MUHAMMAD FARHAN BIN AZMAN is sick lah seh! padan muke kau! sape suro gi hisap fulscap paper. things now is going fine. no more trouble no more sorrows. yeesssa! MUHAMMAD HAZIR BIN ZAKARIA is helping me train with my arm. woooohooo! i loike! MUHAMMAD RAZIF BIN RASHID likes to endure when he get bullied by hazir. oh yeah! last but not least KHAIRUL ANWAR BIN SAMSURI has been super irritating lately with the nk berak nk berak nk berak nk berak.
ok im busy
Labels: love is gonneh.