finally this blogger is fine from any defections.
yesterday was so dull as khai and hazir had their own plans while i was left to rot.
Although im rotting at home, i still managed to irritate some people especially my mum(cute lah die).
Hazir didn't went to 'terawih' with me and khai as he claims that he is tooo lazy while the truth was that he was playing his ps3. come on lah. ...blaja2....O level dah nk dekat.
So me and khai detoured from tampines to bedok reservoir to play soccer instead.
oh yeah...i played Nightvision soccer with my bedok northians friends. khai was on the other team.
so yeah, khai's team won.
then piala rtm.
then headed for home.
and to all the people who know's FATIN ABDAT, she has a clone. click the link.