first thing in the morning, upon reaching the class, attendance taking, waited for Hafiz, Alep, Mil and mal. Halamak, sooo the risau seh when i neve c their faces in the class. I text Mal and ask about her whereabouts, then suddenly they appear in from of the door step. I scared shiaaa when they paitao!
First period is usual.....i talked to myself whereby Mil can't talk to anybody..
then it was social studies, Miss Wani seems to be a bit gentle for today coz she didn't shout unlike yesterday. Fnn, time fly soo the fast as i did my work! SFL comes around, feel a lil bit excited. During Sfl, before departing from school, we had our 30 mins break. During our 30 mins break, i took out my poker cards and alep, hafiz, mav, ivan start playing 'who get the lowest card kena kuti'. And ivan is the potential loser throughout the game coz alep and hafiz cheated! hahaha. btw ivan's forehead ade paluku. haha.
SFL, old folks home in geylang(i guess). We did our cip there. First impression, confirm ramai yg tk siuman. But it is the way round, all of the senior citizens over there seems to be friendly. then i saw one nenek, salam-ed her then, follow her whereabouts until she came to a halt at one corner where she wants to relek-relek. Then me, arep, mil, hafiz, alep and yus also relek-relek with her until we are tired of talking. our CIP session ends.

Amir: mal mentel lah!
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