ok this 5n2 is now is history.
each of them is beginning to plan a new story
but don't worry
there's always khairy!
I've graduated. I'm now dependent on myself. No more slacking.
before i go on, i have something for each and everyone.
Amir saifuddin bin rafi:Amiro amiro, the bitchy one. the talkative one. the noisy one. the everyone. the DUCK! heheh...!! Sorry eh amir if i happened to hurt your feelings. hehe.
Debra ng si min:Debra tham jia xin, hahah, Sorry eh if i disturb you when you are concentrating on something. as u know, im the kind of person who just can't stop talking.
Maverick cesare leung:ahha! you the blur one! your malay is improving day by day.
Kayson lau: the always 'tsk' one. haha. the relax one corner person.
Muhammad razif bin rashid: the cute, the handsome, the childish, the gangster, the one and only baby boy razif cutestuff sat sat.
Muhammad Shahmil bin jamil:although this guy is quiet, he can be a part time massager/vibrater. oh ya, u have a unique voice.
Muhammad Hafiz bin ramlan:the trouble maker part1. the noise contribute part 1.
Muhammad Farhan bin Azman:although he's quite, he's a soft gangster.
Muhammad Azhari bin Z: the wenxiu lover. :)
Muhammad Khairy bin ??:the swollen butt hurts my eyes.
Muhammad Yusri bin Ninsalam: the lame'o. but tough. the ninja!
Muhammad Alif bin Mustaf:the trouble maker part II. the noise maker part II
Ariffudin Burhanudin:The straigh one. no gays allowed. no touching allowed.
Nurlina bte Abu Hassan:the cranky one. the bessy. oooh!! the smartass part I.
Demi tham jia xin:the fierce one.
Ng chuan yu:Si lau kau(monkey)
Yap hao wei:big brother to me.
Haslett wee wen wei:the caring one.
Joel tam:the slumber one.
Nurul Najam bin tahar:the raba-raba guy.
Siti Fatimah bte Sulaiman:tantrum shooter.
Lai Yan wei:the artistic one.
Kenneth tan:the music talented.
Ng hui ru:POPIAH skirt.
Sim Jia hui:eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh !!!!!
Daphne tan:WHAT LAH!?
Chua wen xiu:the feminine one.
Siti norazlinah bte ??:gojila gojila.
Siti Hajar bte ??:oh get well soon. Amin!
Nazurah bte Baker:the minarep!
Amirah Syahirah bte??:the chiill one.
Ashraff:chinese wannabe. he looked like indian.
Jeremy cheung:the gay gamer.
Aloysious Ong jung long: the smartass partII
not in alphabetical order. any whom i left out, im sorry. i enjoyed being with you all. so yeah.
Good luck for o's.